Monday, February 11, 2013

Blog Party and Giveaway!

Over at: Just as I Am blog!
It looked so fun I couldn't resist! Besides, I never pass up an opportunity to enter a giveaway! =)
Here are the questions you fill out and my answers to them:
1. White chocolate or milk/dark chocolate? Dark! Dark! Dark!
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2. Tea or Coffee? Tea! Hot Chamomile tea or sweet ice tea!<3
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3. Movie or book on a night-in? Movie or/and the good book!
4. Rom-com or a tear-jerker? Rom-Com would be my choice! I love them!!!
5. Who is the first literary couple to come to your mind? Emma and Nightly (and it's not because I put that picture up there. I wrote my answers and then put the pictures)
6. Who is the first *movie* couple that comes to your mind? Fred and Ginger in any of their movies!
7. Roses or chocolate? Roses!! I love chocolate too though, of course!!!<3
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8. Fancy dinner in a 4-star restaurant or a simple picnic? A Fancy 4-star restaurant!!!
9. Dream wedding scenario: outdoor family affair, or a formal church wedding & reception at a 5-star hotel? Outdoors probably
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10. What was the last love song you listened to? L.O.V.E. by (well it was supposed to be by Frank Sinatra but they didn't have it anywhere on YouTube, so it was by) Nat King Cole
11. Favorite real-life/celebrity couple? Hmmm.... Well I think that Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin made a good couple! =)
12. One piece of advice about love: I don't believe I have any advice to give, "Were I in love it would be a different thing. But, I have never been in love." ~Emma from: Emma BBC~


  1. That was fun! :)
    I love your pictures!
    I like Milk chocolate best.. <3

  2. Thanks! =) You should do it Alex! You might win!


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