Tuesday, June 5, 2012


http://everystory-storygirl.blogspot.com/ is having a quetion thing and here are my answers:

1. Have you ever read Around the World in 80 Days, or any other books by Jules Verne? If not, do you plan to? No I haven't.
2. It's your turn to travel around the world! But you can only visit one country on each continent (excluding Antarctica). Which do you choose? North America: Maybe Mexico...I haven't been there yet. Europe: FRANCE!<3 I don't out of the other ones, I can't decide.
3. What is your favorite "foreign" song? Hmm... I don't know that I have a favorite foreign song. I like any good song that is sung in French!
4. Do you know your heritage? From which country(s) does your family originate?
5. What is your preferred method of travel? Car.. Plain is really fun too though!
6. What is your favorite ethnic food? Enchiladas, probably!
7. If you had to choose one literary character to travel around the world with, who would it be? Maybe Lizzy from Pride and Prejudice, or Marianne from Sense and Sensibility!
8. From kilts to kimonos, most countries have some form of traditional dress- of which would you be most willing to wear? Hmmm... Kilts perhaps? What exactly do they wear in France?...... Scarves and sunglasses, that's what I think of! =)
9. If you could speak any foreign language, what would it be? French!
10. What is your opinion on the subject of hot air balloons? I can't wait to ride one someday!!! They look SO fun!
11. Okay. Pick a country, any country. Now pick a piece of classic literature (fiction, please!). If that story took place in this other country, what would be different? France is my country and P & P is my piece of literature! Hmmm.. Not much difference there. There would be lots more bread and cheese to eat =)
12.Choose five of your favorite authors (or just as many as you can)...each from a different country! Jane Austen: England, L. M. Montgomery: Canada... sorry that's all I can think of.
13. In Around the World in 80 Days, Phileas Fogg is accused of bank robbery. Of course, we know he didn't do it- but the book never explains who did. Who do you think robbed the bank? I've never read the book =)
14. Does your church support any foreign missionaries? If so, tell a little about what countries they are from! Yes, they are missionaries in Tanzinia.
15. Time is running out! You only have a few days left to finish your journey! You're on the last leg of your trip, traveling through the American West by train, when suddenly Indians attack! What do you do? I would grab a gun for protection, hide, and start praying.